Summer Fit 2023
Summer Fit “Passengers” will partake in a variety of STEAM activities as they learn more about their home state of Kansas!
Students going into 1st-4th grade are invited to join the adventure with KLCH as we learn more about the heartland together!
Two identical Summer Fit Camp sessions are available this Summer!
June 12th-16th or July 10th-14th
Each session will meet from 9am-Noon (check-in time from 8:30am – 9 am) during the week and will include activities and a morning snack each day.
Summer Fit’s program goals each year are to increase and encourage physical, mental and social fitness, by actively engaging the children in a variety of activities while allowing the students to express their creativity through fun and unique craft projects throughout the week. There are numerous opportunities for fun, friendships and
exploration, and we look forward to having a great time with our campers this Summer!